What Clients Have To Say ...

(Names have been shared only for those clients who were comfortable to do so)

Our relationship was in a rupture and I read an article written by Tara in Tricycle magazine that really resonated with me; I reached out to her that same day. Working with her has changed how I process my emotions and experience my partner’s feelings.

I would recommend Tara to anyone that is walking the Path, but doesn’t know how to integrate their philosophy or spiritual teachings into their intimate relationships. To me living in 'loving kindness' doesn’t just happen, there’s constant work to be done and Tara provides a vital service blending ancient wisdom and loving communication into techniques that are easy to implement in life.

Kurt Waterstradt
Tampa, FL, USA
Working with Tara has been an insightful journey after 7 years of marriage. We reached out to her after not being able to resolve our issues —after just a few online sessions we started sensing a change in our communication patterns!

Tara is super-observant, she is able to break down complex emotions and points you in the direction of empathy and healing, while providing tools to strengthen the relationship along with a lot of positive reinforcement. Tara is a master of her craft… do not hesitate to reach out to her. You are in safe hands.

Kriti & Rohan
New York, USA
I had the privilege of working with Tara as my therapist, and I can honestly say that it has been a transformative experience. When I first started therapy, I was struggling with a myriad of issues in my personal life, particularly in my marriage. I was facing dilemmas and conflicts that seemed insurmountable, and I felt lost and overwhelmed. Tara's approach to therapy was unlike anything I had experienced before. She created a safe and non-judgmental space for me to explore my thoughts and feelings. Her empathetic and compassionate nature made it easy for me to open up and share my deepest concerns.

One of the most valuable aspects of Tara's therapy was her ability to help me gain clarity. She guided me through a process of introspection and self-discovery, allowing me to better understand the root causes of my dilemmas. With her support, I was able to identify my values, beliefs, and priorities, which ultimately led to more informed decision-making. Tara's insights and guidance were invaluable as I navigated complex issues related to my marriage and personal growth. Her wisdom and expertise helped me see things from different perspectives and challenged me to consider alternative solutions. She encouraged me to explore my emotions and provided tools and strategies to manage them effectively.

Throughout our sessions, Tara exhibited a rare blend of professionalism and genuine care. She was always present, actively listening, and offering constructive feedback. Her ability to ask thought-provoking questions encouraged deep self-reflection, and her unwavering support gave me the confidence to face my challenges head-on. Under Tara's guidance, I have made significant progress in resolving the dilemmas I faced. I feel more confident, self-aware, and equipped to handle life's complexities. I am incredibly grateful for the positive impact she has had on my life, and I would highly recommend her to anyone seeking guidance and support in their personal journey. Thank you, Tara, for being an exceptional therapist and for helping me find clarity and peace in my life.

Devasish Das
Gurugram, India
Tara , we can't thank you enough! We are both back together after our separation as we could work things out between us on the basis of your analysis and guidance, we now know our limitations as a couple & are working to make our relationship better. In fact, the questions in the Relationship Checkup made us think about ourselves & our lives ahead and has had a lasting impact. We will have to say none of this would have been possible without your counseling. I hope couples in trouble find you and eventually find themselves. Thank you again!
Urvashi and Rohit
Delhi, India
Deciding to do Couples Therapy with Tara was one of the best decisions of my life. Not only did I feel heard and understood for the first time in my life, she also made me realize my partner's emotional state. Couples Therapy requires both partners to work upon the suggestions given to them. Unfortunately, this was not the case with us. Though my husband and I are still living separately, Tara helped me find peace and patience to wait and work upon myself. I have a ten month old son and I am making the most of every day and travel alone with him — Tara played a very important role in helping me realize this hidden strength inside me.
Pooja Thapak
Bhopal, India
We reached out to Tara as we were going through a very rough patch. After being married for 12 years, we were really struggling to connect and communicate with each other in a healthy manner. Tara helped tremendously by providing a framework, tools and guidance for us to work on, which resulted in our marriage moving to a much better place. It’s just been 6 weeks … we are very happy to be working with her.”
M & N
Gurugram, India
I came across Tara through Instagram and right after my first session, my gut told me that I was with the right person. She created a safe and supportive space for me to open up without any inhibitions. Tara also sowed the seed for self-reflection so that I can manage my emotions and anger triggers in a calmer manner. My relationship with my partner and children has improved after just a few individual sessions.

I highly recommend Tara for her exceptional professionalism, empathy and expertise. Her tailored approach has been instrumental in my mental and emotional wellbeing and I am grateful for her dedication and commitment to helping me navigate lifes' challenges with resilience and positivity. Forever thankful to her for being my space space

S. A
Light at the end of the tunnel does exist. My life had fallen apart and nothing made me feel better than my two sessions with Tara. She has a way of connecting with you, the calm in her voice, her mellow tone, make you feel at home & at ease. Tara made me see things with a certain perspective — I could finally come to terms with my divorce & move on with a lighter heart.
Chetna B.
Gurugram, India
I deeply felt I should contact Tara when I came across her website. When I messaged her, my words were – I am stuck, can you help move me? Her answer came – yes. And move me, she did! My heart was broken. It was filled with pain. Nothing nice came out from it - only hurt and self-pity. I knew I was stuck and nothing was working as the emotional-setbacks that my heart had borne from the past were too traumatic for me to get over, on my own. They haunted me especially in the nights – I had even lost sleep.

Tara’s work is based in true inspiration drawn from her own life journey. It’s pure as her presence. She poured compassion like a healing balm over my aching heart in the sessions along with giving me courage and self conviction to want to get up and start walking again, in life. She was there for me whenever I needed her. I am very grateful!

Dipti B.
Gurugam, India